Tuesday, September 23, 2008

23 September - Finally Home

Title says it all! Finally home! Audrey is doing great and her sister and furry brother were thrilled to meet her. More on that later. It's good to be home.


Kawasila said...

Best day ever! I'm so glad she's home. Can't wait to see a pic of the complete fam!

Christina said...

Hi! I found your blog and had to comment. My son Jacob was born with Transposition also. He is now almost 18 months old and doing really well. We did not know before he was born but he was so blue the doctors knew something was wrong. Jacob had his Arterial Switch operation when he was 5 days old at Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I have document about our experiences at www.jacobsheart.blogspot.com

Welcome Home Audrey! Wishing you health and strength and lots of cuddles with your family!!!

Heart Hugs & Prayers,

Moench Kazoku said...

I know that I am way behind, but congratulations. Our thoughts are prayers are still with you.

Kawasila said...

Don't leave us hanging! Post happy family pictures!